Saturday, August 30, 2008

Concert memories

Check out Christophe working his English as he impersonates his (black, female!) back-up singer.

Christophe’s next scheduled appearance is at the September 13th tribute concert to the late Pavarotti.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Christophe on Nouvelle Star: A star is born

On June 8 2006, Christophe Willem was crowned France’s fourth Nouvelle Star, or French Idol. While the show’s previous winners went on to moderate success, Christophe had the entire country under his spell in a matter of weeks. I’ve put together a retrospective of Christophe’s time on Nouvelle Star – from an improbable audition to a tearful acceptance speech six months later. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Poll #2

Thanks to everyone who voted on the first poll here at Christophe Willem International! The second poll is now open, and asks what musical style(s) you would like to see on Christophe's sophomore album. Dance/electro like Double Je? Ballads like Des Nues? Please note that you can select more than one option.

Tomorrow I will be posting video highlites of Christophe's run on Nouvelle Star 2006. Stay tuned!